Robert Pattinson, who plays teenage vampire Edward Cullen
Robert Pattinson, who plays teenage vampire Edward Cullen in the upcoming film Twilight, is still getting used to the attention he's received from the many devoted fans of the original novel by Stephenie Meyer.
"It's kind of terrifying in a lot of ways," Pattinson said in a group interview just before appearing on a panel in front of 6,500 people at Comic-Con International in San Diego, Calif., on July 24. "It is kind of exciting. I mean, I still can't really come to terms with it. It's just strange. I'm always just sort of terrified."
The film centers around the star-crossed relationship between Edward and a human girl named Bella (Kristin Stewart). The story has drawn a legion of fans around the world, whose anticipation for the movie was evident in the hordes of screaming fans at Comic-Con.
"As soon as one person started to recognize me, literally, now I'm just freaking out the whole time," Pattinson said. "Wherever I go. I'm, like, [looks around]. And even when people come up, they're always really nice anyway, so it really doesn't make any difference. I'm just a good freaker-outer."
November 11, 2008 at 3:04 PM
Good post.