Synopsis of the books.
Are you just hearing about the Twilight series?
Even before its release, "Breaking Dawn" has been at or near the top of's best-sellers list for months. A movie based on the first book "Twilight" is coming out Dec. 12. A concert featuring music that inspired Meyer while writing the books sold out in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle.
It's all about a teenage couple who are different from most couples.
Her name is Bella and she is smitten with the mysterious Edward Cullen, who happens to be witty and intelligent, among other things. See, he's a vampire. The good news is that Edward doesn't drink human blood because he's a vegetarian. The real question is whether Edward can continue to resist Bella's lovely scent and overcome the whole primal vampire urge.
To make life even more tricky, a coven of vampires happens to come to town and one of them decides to hunt Bella for sport.
To celebrate the release of the final novel in the four-book saga, area libraries and book stores are planning a variety of activities for fans.
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